Workshop: Landscape Quilting

Ascension Lutheran Church 300 N Lafayette St, Shelby, NC, United States

More to Come: Tone Haugen-Cogburn will teach a Landscape class.

Christmas Potluck

Ascension Lutheran Church 300 N Lafayette St, Shelby, NC, United States

Christmas Potluck Dinner bring a dish to pass.

Meet and Greet Tea/Sweets Quilter’s Strip Poker

Ascension Lutheran Church 300 N Lafayette St, Shelby, NC, United States

Take note this is the 4th Thursday to accommodate members who are out of town the third Thurs. We will have time to meet new people and play Quilter's Strip Poker. Carol is in charge so should be lively. She always brings fun. Please bring 12 of any color any style 2 1/2 in strips.

Sewing Machine Maintenance

Ascension Lutheran Church 300 N Lafayette St, Shelby, NC, United States

Helen from Sew Much Fun in Gastonia is going to tell us how to avoid costly repairs on our sewing machines. What we should be doing on a regular basis to maintain our machines.

Dreams and Dragonflies by Rachael Logsdon

Ascension Lutheran Church 300 N Lafayette St, Shelby, NC, United States

Rachael has an amazing journey to inspire all of us. Read about her story here

Annual Potluck Dinner

Ascension Lutheran Church 300 N Lafayette St, Shelby, NC, United States

Bring a dish to pass.

Sashiko and Yarn for Today by Susan McRae

Ascension Lutheran Church 300 N Lafayette St, Shelby, NC, United States

Susan McRae owner of OSuzannah's Yarn  in Morganton  is going to talk about what's new in yarn, Sashiko and other stitchery.

Color Play Workshop

Ascension Lutheran Church 300 N Lafayette St, Shelby, NC, United States

The workshop that  was previously cancelled with Sharon is now scheduled for 7-19. If you want to sign up talk to me. I am so excited about this class.

Designing Story Quilts by Margaret James

Ascension Lutheran Church 300 N Lafayette St, Shelby, NC, United States

Designing Story Quilts with Unique Fiber Art Techniques Incorporated into Traditional Quilting. Quilts That Speak

Quilters Novels Book Reviews

Ascension Lutheran Church 300 N Lafayette St, Shelby, NC, United States

A few of us are going to share our own Shelby Times Quilters Novel book review. If you have read a great one bring it in ready to share with everyone. Our very own book club before Winter sets in.